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You gotta take care of your here as you wish for there, prove to yourself that you handled here and now you qualify to be there. Because, look! The only difference between here and there is the letter “T” which in this instance stands for TIME.

Time is what it takes to get your here there and in this time you have to maximize the potential so when you get there you get to acknowledge the effort made. For your there is now your here.

The giver does not want to give you anything that is gonna harm you and so when you are in doubt of your here, getting there becomes impossible. When you get there at no cost, it becomes destructive.

Have you not seen men and women whom asked for swords from the giver, with no skills to wield it? They have ended up cutting themselves and some dying from their own sword.

Love your here, be present in it, understand the lessons, personify what is learnt so when you get there, the value is still in you.

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