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Darkness is often feared, misunderstood, or fought against. Whether it’s a dark path, dark times, or even dark skin, society has long been conditioned to see darkness as something fierce and to be overcome an obstacle rather than a space for growth and reflection. But what if darkness isn’t an enemy to be defeated? What if it’s a passage to lightness and understanding?
When we face darkness, literal or metaphorical we are forced to confront our fears. It demands strength, resilience, and self-discovery. Yet, for some, the fear of darkness manifests in harmful ways. Those who are racist or spiteful toward dark skin are often grappling with their own fears, attempting to overcome what they don’t understand. In this quest, they lash out. They mock, they demean, and they attack, hoping to diminish what they cannot control.

This battle against darkness is a war, but one unlike any other. No bombs are dropped. Instead, there are insults hurled, bananas thrown, and chants sung to demean. Darkness, however, doesn’t fight back not out of weakness, but out of wisdom. The aggression stems from fear, and darkness understands that. It chooses compassion, hoping one day the aggressor will see its depth and humanity.
The real challenge lies in teaching those who fear darkness to confront it without violence. To stop throwing bananas. To stop gaslighting it. To stop trying to change it into something it’s not. Darkness doesn’t need to be painted bright to be valid or beautiful.
Instead of fighting it, what if we chose to embrace darkness? To love it for what it is. To see the richness, depth, and strength it has always offered. Darkness isn’t the absence of light it’s the birthplace of it. And through love and understanding, we can find the light within.

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