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Everybody is putting up a show, it is hard to come by mentors. If you spot one, keep them close visualizing the images of Karate Kid and Mr. Miyagi.

Mentors share their knowledge, skills or experience to help another develop and grow. They help one gain new perspectives in life.

Similarly mentorship helps mentors accelerate their  development.

Mentee, having someone who knows more than yourself share advice, offer guidance and be a sounding board for your thoughts, you stand a chance to benefit from experience beyond your own. 

Rather than learning through trial  and error, a mentor is a personyou can look up to for direction and a role model to imitate.

On the other hand coming across reluctant mentors, it is important to note that not everyone wants to become a  mentor.

Before choosing a mentor out of your admiration for their work, acknowledge that your desired mentor could be in their quest for limelight and rather putting up a show and not looking for mentees.

As a result the mentors may end up not concerned with your career growth and well being.



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