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  • Kisumu


He stopped praying when he opened his eyes and looked around him. He had been praying for shoes, but they had no limbs. He had been praying for more life, but they had their timers counting down with every beep of a machine. The realization hit him like a wave an eye-opening experience that shook him to his core. He […]


Over the weekend, I had an engaging session with a group of young men on toxic masculinity. The goal was simple: to redefine masculinity and strength beyond the narrow confines society has imposed on manhood. I started with an icebreaker, a story from a movie I recently watched, Lee, featuring Kate Winslet (yes, the star from Titanic). The film, set […]


All the great people figured it out! Figured what out? That is what you get to figure out. Ever wondered what makes great people tick? The truth is, they’ve figured something out—something that you’re invited to discover for yourself. Take Trevor, for instance. He draws inspiration from Stoicism, a philosophy championed by Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Stoicism teaches him to […]


Kakamega Forest, its reforestation is a vital part of our strategy to revive our environment. A few days ago, someone asked, “Why Kakamega Forest when Kisumu County needs trees too?” Let me address this concern. Kakamega Forest isn’t just a local treasure; it plays a role on a regional scale. It has a profound connection with Lake Victoria, Kenya’s largest […]

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