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I wanna live my next life backwards! You start out dead, which means you get that part out of the way right from the start. Then, you wake up in a nursing home, but instead of getting worse, you are feeling better every day. Eventually, you’re in such good shape that they kick you out for being too healthy! Then […]


Motivational speakers have long been eloquent about the power of gratitude and the benefits that come from practicing it. They often remind us of the importance of finding things to be grateful for and focusing on those moments of grace in our lives. It has become common practice to compile lists of things we are grateful for, and this habit […]


One of the most powerful ways to discover your true self is to embrace the concept of fait sur mesure, which means “made to your measure” in French. If what society or culture hands you don’t suit who you are, it’s essential to have the courage to carve out a way of life that does. This involves understanding that you […]

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